Thursday, September 3, 2009

I yearn to learn

Im tyred of tiping. Here it is. I have been here in Broussard, LA for the past week learning everything I can about flying ROV's and how exactly they work. From hydraulics to flight cards, I'm learning it all. It's great. After riding a motorcycle for the past 6 odd weeks I have relied on my brain for such menial tasks as finding stealth shelter and how to get free food. Now I'm learning a great deal about ROV's as well as the massive oil industry. Interesting stuff for sure. Been refining my soldering skills, and even had a chance to do some more maintenance on my bike. Now, however it is time to leave. The job we have been waiting for has been put on hold for a week so I am out of it until I come back in a few weeks time to make some real money. I've met a lot of good people here and had a great time. Horse racing with cajuns is pretty fun. People know how to have a good time down here. It's been a lot of fun. Met some interesting people to say the least. I'll explain more down the road. probably.
Now it is time for me to figure out which way I am heading. It is a very weird feeling packing your bike not knowiing where you are going. All along this trip I have know the general direction, but not today. I have talked to some people in Oklahoma about noodling (google it if you dont know), as well as some adventure moto riders in good ol mississip. Or i could head west. I suppose I'll figure it out when I get on the road. All for now.

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