Thursday, August 13, 2009

The Tornado Hunt

So leaving from some HIE in somewhere in SE colorado I was off. It was early. Probably 7 maybe 8. i was headed to Dodge City, KS. I rode and rode through smalltown kansas. Basically kansas goes like this. nothing. then tiny town with huge silo. then nothing. repeat through state. Got to dodge city. blue skies. Sweet I thought to myself tornadoes and blue skies, this is going to be perfect. So I waited there for 12 hours... no tornadoes. weird. well that 5 minutes i was in town felt like 12 hours. anyways i googled my name again. still nothin. but i did find a storm brewin in enid, OK. Luckily I had a map to figure out where oklahoma was. Thats about all good the map was. so i used my keen sense of smell to track the flying cows. I headed south then east, then south, then a little west. anyways i rode a long time. throughincreasingly bad weather. as the weather got worse I began asking myself why i was doing this. luckily my add kicked in and I started thinking about how I was riding 88mph through a lightning storm. That Doc Brown had to be somewhere with the delorean waiting for me. Never did find him. Storms poundijng hard. my daily odometer reading was nearing 600 miles. time to find some shelter. Luckily i was near just entering the grand town of cherokee, ok which has the same amount of stop lights as bars. one. my kinda town. Mel's was the name of the place, and the 70 year old man behind the counter. He reminds me of George. A true old timer. I got a beer to pass the time until a tornado dropped out of the sky. Only hail. Then while i was searching the horizon for my elusive tornado a bolt of lightning hit the power pole 50 yards from where i sat. this whole time mel had been rambling about his days climbing poles (said the highest one was 1500') as soon as the lightning the conversation changed course. I remember that i was homeless in a town that a tornado was due for. Long story long, mel mentioned something about my cover for my bike about to fly to kansas. he was right, it was flapping, ready to take off. The he said something about me driving my bike into the bar. I said hell yes. So i told the drunks playing pool to ya know move. Hopped on the bike in the pouring raind and came across the street, up the curb, and into the bar. Fit like a glove. Anyways now that my bike was in the bar, all my worries were behind me. Mel got some more beers for the four of us in the bar. I cooked some dinner in the kitchen and we had a great time singing damn near every song on the jukebox. One gal, Brandi, said she was some country starts 5th cousin, cant rember who). maybe. anyways the night ended when brandi's truck drivin husband came raining in out of the storm furious. Something about brandi not supposed to be in a bar. again. things got weird for a bit. anyways now it was me and mel. and some guy who couldnt enunciate the word beer. Luckily the singing was done for. Well mel talked my ear off lthe way i am talking yours off and finally i headed out to fnid a home on the side of the road. the storm eased up a bit. I made camp next to an overgrown entrance to a ranch. and a very subtle electric fence. Not my ideal place during a lightning storm but it would do. I unhooked the section of electric fence that was almostlmost touching my tent. too bad it was the hot end. I just made sure not to roll over to that side of the tent during the night. Woke up to very intimidating thunder and the biggest rain to date arond 2am. I kept trying to remember if there were power lines overhead. luckily there werent. blah blah blah. i woke up and headed ar but not without a proper breakfast.

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